Thursday, July 13, 2006

Day 16-17: Nice is nice

Day 16...

We began our first full in Nice by trying to figure out what the hell we should do. We looked at Whitney's guide book for the area and found that Nice has some roman ruins in it, so we were off. After a surprisingly long walk up to these things, we found the ruins of colosseum. We scurried around them doing our best to destroy as much historical beauty as possible. If you happen upon a steaming pile, just remember that is how the romans would have liked it.

After that, we went up to this little park right by the Matisse museum (which overlooked the ruins). We bought some water and just lazed about for a bit. Once Les stopped crying, we decided to head to the archeological museum (also right by). It was pretty cool and had a bunch of old stuff (surprise, surprise, surprise). Whitney taught me the ways of mancala...I so destroyed her with my skillz -- i.e. we tied. The museum had more ruins attached, so we wandered around them for a while.

After the museum, we walked back to the hotel (picking up lunch on the way at some market...apparently every stupid store in Nice is closed on sunday so we just had to take what was available). Following lunch, we headed to the beach for some well needed rest. The beaches here are beautiful, but damn if they don't hurt like nobody's business. Rockier than coors light. Also the weather was slightly crappy, so we didn't stay too long (just long enough for Les to stare at some scantily clad, leatherly, older ladies...go Les).

Nice had put up a screen on the main street by the beach to show the world cup final, it was an amazing atmosphere. The french fans were going nuts. The fans were launching fireworks off left and right, and one hit the dude in front of us and it had a big explosion but he seemed alright just really, really pissed off. But of course, the french team pulled a france and f'ed it up nice. Granted that head butt was sweet!

After the game, we got these delicious kebabs from a hole in the wall. The shop just had a big spinning cone of meat, and they shaved it off as needed. I have found the next appliance i need in my house. This was the end of our day.

Day 17...
Our day began with the search of pastries, and it was successful and I got myself a delicious chocolate snail. After our snack, we went to go look for a scooter rental place to check on hours and prices and stuff. We found one place by the train station (after 3 french people gave us completely boogus directions -- apparently the french people have no concept of distance -- everyone trying to give distances in number of bagettes or time of snooty looks per day). Upon arriving to the scooter rental place, we noticed that it required a crazy, crazy huge deposit (3000 dollars approx.), so we decided against it.

After failing at life, we went to the grocery store and picked up some lunch making stuff. With our sandwich making supplies and wine in hand, we headed back to the hotel and had a picnic in our mansion of a hotel room.
Wine Report (changed from the beer report):
- Bourgueil - Val de Loire - Club des Sommelier - 2004 - Les
- Cuvee de Montignan - Cotes De Rhone - 2005 - Ted
- Beajolais (Generic) - 2004 - Whitney
Now properly frenched up, we headed to the bus station to find one that goes to Monaco.

We caught the bus and were off. After a long discussion on morals in society, we realized that we had missed our stop and were well past the city center. Now we were on some windy road with no idea how to get back, so we just started wandering in the direction of Monaco. After snapping a few pictures of the pretty scenery, we found another bus that would take us to the casino.

Upon arriving to the casino, we were greeted by the manager of the hotel there and given a special tour of the facilities and access to the high rollers room...or if you actually want the truth, we had to pay 10 euros to get into the silly casino just to lose more money. Damn if they don't have a good thing going. After failing at some slot machines, Les and I tried our hand at some blackjack, but failed terribly. Whitney failed at roulette (yet was willing to justify her failure by saying she meant to lose ten bucks and did...burn). After looking around the casino, which was very beautiful actually, we headed outside and looked at some really, really nice watches and other retardly expensive jewelry.

After a little while of wandering, we heard some fireworks coming from the water behind the casino, so we went around back to check them out. It was probably the best fireworks I have ever seen in my life. It just kept going and going, and etc... If you happened to have been in monaco and missed it, then shame on you sir :-).

Now it was getting late, so we walked back to where we caught the bus and realized that the buses were no longer running...crapzor. So we went into a nearby hotel and asked what were our options for getting back to Nice. Basically we had to catch a train back, so we headed to the train station and waited. We caught the last train back to Nice at midnight. After getting back to Nice, we walked back to the hotel and called it an evening.

Very relaxing couple of days for a change.


Monday, July 10, 2006

Day 14-15: Feeling Very German Today

And by German I mean very very very drunk. Sorry for the delay in posting, we have been in Nice, France and everything is closed on the weekend. Le sigh. I will get to the drunkeness in a few minutes, but first we must have some flashbacks.


Football Pitch in the Bathroom:
Berlin had some interesting ways of getting ready for the World Cup. For instance the urinals in the bathrooms were particularly festive. There was a green "pitch" with a white goal in the bottom of the urinal. That would be enough to be worthy of note, but they took it a step further and had a little soccer ball hanging from the cross bar of the goal. If you pee on the ball you can knock it up into upper 90. It was pretty sweet.

German Boobs:
We were in Berlin for Germany's quarterfinal game when the beat Argentina in PK's. As we had mentioned before things got a bit crazy afterward. We were walking around enjoying the festivities when Ted asked, "Les, how could this get any better?" I merely pointed to our right and a couple of very good looking topless girls were getting painted and taking picutres with fans. Ted: "Ok, now how does it get any better?"
Seriously Whitney doesn't understand.

Praha Kitten:
We were in Praha's subway catching the a train when there was this backapacker with a dog. Upon closer inspection this guy had a small kitten sitting on top of his backpack. The little things was climbing all over the top of the pack under and over the straps and in genral was just about one of the coolest things ever, so said Ted. Afterward, Ted proceeded to prance with ponies, make crowns of daisies and talk to all of the woodland creatures.


Ok, the last day in Munich was a bit hectic. We hit 6 beer halls and tried for 7. We darnk in 5 of them and were incredibly drunk out of our damn minds. Here is a bulleted list of our day.
- Breakfast in the market- chicken noodle soup, pretzel, and a beer at 10:30. Counts as a beerhall actually, since we sat at the beer hall and drank beer there.
Paulaner for me and Ted
- Rain. Shitty shitty rain.
- Beerhall two - Augustiner Keller
Augustiner Dunkel - L and T
Augustiner Weissbier - LAugustiner Weissbeir Dunkel - T
-Beerhall drei - Lowenbrau Keller
Franziskaner Weissbier - L
Franziskaner Weissbier Dunkel - T
- Beerhall 4 - Andech's am Dom
Andech's Doppelboch Dunkel - L and T
- Beerhall V - Weiss Brauhaus (original weiss beer)
Schneider Weisse -L
Aventinus Weizenstarkbier (8%) - T
Aventinus Weizen Eisbock (12%) - 2/3 L and 1/3 T
Note: the above eisbock f'ed us up something fierce.
- Beerhall the actual last - Hofbrauhaus
Sat with some Canadian military guys. Pretty cool. They clapped as all of the pretty ladies walked by.
- Beerhall the attempted last - Seehaus in the English Gardens
Probably a good things since we were drunk out our gourds. Ted's colon (not ruptured by a horse) seemed to not take kindly to the large quatities of delicious beer in it. We stumbled the few miles back to the hostel.

Sleep up at 7:30 to catch our flight to Nice.

When we got to Nice (which was nice) we had to wait for Whitney to get in. That entailed vegging out on the benches for damn near 6 hours. But it was worth it since we now have someone who actually speaks the languauge of the country we are in. We got to the hotel and the guy at the front desk was being ... well ... French. They messed up our rooms yelled at Whitney and were generally unpleasant. And they smelled. Of cabbage. Small hands too. The room was TINY. Hilariously tiny.

We came to terms with our living quarters, well I came to terms with it, Whitney was still a bit upset and looked as if she wanted to declare war on the guy in the front desk. He probably would have thrown his hands up and run away in the face of the small nation of Whitney. That night we just wandered around and of course it ended up raining. Bed. Snooooooooooore. <- that was Ted.

Quotes(s) of the day:
T (on the plane to Nice): Might want to start boning up on your French ... if you know what I mean.

(In the Nice airport there were information ladies rollerskating around the terminal)
T: Should we ask the rollerskating information wench what the cool kids do for fun in the airport for five hours?

T: Hey Les, slide your bed into the guest room and out of the den. (This meant 3 inches to the right.)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Day 12-13: Sometimes I feel like somebody's watching me

Ahh, good evening fellow readers. Welcome and salutations. I'd like to start off by saying that we are tried as can be. We have been up since 4:30 this morning (in Praha), and we have been up since we've gotten to Munich. Unfortunately, we died on the way from Prague to Munich, which was very sad. So now, we are going to have to be writing these blog posts as dead people.

Now as ghost ted, which from now on will be referred to as "ted", I shall continue. Ghost Les will be known as "nancy boy mc fancy pants" from now on out though.

After getting into Munich, we took the train from the airport to the Marienplatz train station, which unfortunately was the wrong station. We then walked to the central train station and found our hostel. Our hostel, which is the crappiest yet in my opinion, would not have our room ready till 3PM (and it was currently 10:30ish). So, our wandering began.

Because there was no place to leave our crap, we went back to the main train station and grabbed a locker. Afterwards, we grabbed some lunch at a italian place (we both got Löwenbrau Dunkel beers), which was good. Then we headed down to the main square (Marienplatz) and snapped a couple of pictures of the Neue Rathaus and the Glockenspiel. Then we headed to "The Residence", which was a palace of sorts of Bavaria. It was massive and had a cool exhibit of the crown jewels. We then headed back to towards the hostel, but we stopped at St. Michaels Church on the way and took a tour of the crypt. The crypt contained the remains of "Mad" King Ludwig II who was the dude that had the awesome castle built a bit south of here. It's the castle the Disneyland castle is based on. After that we headed back to the hostel and grabbed a quick (albeit craptactular) nap. Then we got up and headed for the English Gardens to watch the France/Portugal game. We ended up at the Chinese pagoda and grabbed some food an a liter of the house helle (light beer -- le sigh). After that we headed back to the hostel and called it an evening.

On to the next day (Day 13)...
We had these grand plans of getting up early and heading to Dachau in the morning followed by the english gardens. Of course they fell through because we over slept, but we finally did manage to wake up around 11ish, so we got ready to go to. We grabbed some pastries and hopped on the next train to Dachau. Talk about an uplifting experience -- if you did not take that as sarcastic, then you obviously are retarded. We walked around the grounds of the former concentration camp, which had a couple rebuilt barracks, a museum, a bunker, and the crematorium. It was a very eerie place. It was also strange that all german students are required to visit one of the camps. I'm glad we did it, but its not something I would like to do over and over again.

After spending about 5 hours there, we had to leave because they were closing the camp at 5pm. We grabbed the bus back to the train station and took the train back to München. Upon our arrival, we noticed that it was starting to rain, so the english gardens were out of the picture. So, we decided to go to the Höfbrauhaus instead, which is the most touristy beer hall here. We found a table and got a liter of the house Dunkel, which was alright. But it was cool with the bavarian band playing in the background. After finishing the beer and the food we ordered, we headed out. By now it was really raining, so we decided to head back to the hostel and grab some raingear. Yet on the way home, we were attacked by no fewer than thirteen lions, of course I killed most of them with my bare hands while Les cried in the corner. Lets just say that after all that work, I was really tired (and apparently Les cried so much that he got dehydrated and needed to lay down). So, basically we gave up on the evening and went to sleep.

We have one more day in Munich, and then we head to Nice.

And that's about all i've got to say about that.

If you do not have a sense of humor, and can't laugh at terribly offensive things...what the crap are you doing looking at our blog? Seriously...i'm sure fox news or the christian right websites are more up your alley.

Quote(s) of the day:
T: (After standing on the sidewalk for a noticably long time in Munich, I realized that the pedestrians were not getting green walking lights very frequently and that cars were typically getting the right of way). Hey's like pedestrians are like second class citizens here...(pause)...wait a minute...pedestrians are the new jews of germany!!!
- Note: Minus the mass murder and things of that nature. Other than that stuff. Identical.

T: (Sitting on the plane to Nice). Hey Les...I'm surprised they let pedestrians ride planes with everyone else.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Day 10-11: Italia Goes Down More Than a 10 Koruna Whore

For those that don't know the conversion, roughly 20-25 koruna to a USD. Yeah, I know they won, but that doesn't change the fact that they were on the ground more than a beggar searching for dropped change.

That lovely picture is courtesy of Ted and the bone church in Kutna Hora, but more on that later. First we recap day 10. We picked two walking tours out of our Lonely Planet book and ran through them. The first one we walked by a bunch of churches and over the Charles Bridge. I'd say that they were amazing, but that would be taking something away from the rest of the city. The entire freakin' place is one of the most picturesque places I have ever seen. Everywhere you look there is another cool building to take a picture of. Anyways, we eventually made it up to the castle. Prague Castle was pretty cool, but I didn't find it overwhelming. We didn't go on any of the tours through it though, that might have something to do with it. We did manage to get into the cathedral though. It was huge and dark. The Cool stained glass didn't let much light in.

After the castle we headed over to Letna Gardens. Luckily this took us through another one of the walking tours in the book and we got to see some pretty cool stuff, like a gigantic metrenome that stood where a huge statue of Stalin once was. The main reason for heading to Letna was of course the beer. We had a few a piece and also got some vegetable soup. Now we had been walking for probably 5 or six hours and must have covered hundreds of kilometers (without a proper breakfast or second breakfast), so we were pretty hungry. Let me tell you, after doing all of that in the blaring sun, a liter of beer will get you good fast. And let me tell you something else, I had never been so excited to eat vegetable soup in my life. It was sooo good, AND it was 25 koruna, the whole meal, of soup and a litre of really good beer ran us upwards of $three dollars. Really breaking the bank.

Krusovice 11° tmave
Krusovice 11°

Ted "the sissy boy" lastname
Krusovice 11° tmave
Pilsner Urquell 12°

Obviously we had not had enough beer so we headed over to the Staropramen brewery. We got some goulash and fries and a couple of beers. Ted says it is the best goulash he has had yet. If I didn't make it a point to disagree with him at every opportunity, I'd probably agree here, but only here.

Ye ole beer report
Les "master of the crystaline structure"
Staropramen Granat
Hoegaarden Weiss

Ted "Master of spelling over the shoulder"
Staropramen Cerny

After that we were to full to do just about anything. We were lucky that they had streets that rolled downhill toward our hostel or we might have ended up in the river.

Next day has had a bit of an introduction in the first bit. We got up and caught a train to Kutna Hora 70 km southeast of Praha. We saw the bone church there. It is called so because the decorations of the church are done in human bones. Lots of them. The site was a mass burial site for an estimated 40,000 plague victims. Luckily for us all the bones were disinfected in the 1800's so we were in no danger, and besides, I already had the plague. Then the day picked up a bit and we got some excitement. We walked to the supermarket with the intention of getting some beer and snacks. Upon arrival we could hear a ruckus going on in one of the aisles. Turned out there was a fight going on. A couple of guys were wrestleing with another one. In the end the one guy, we call him the "bad guy," wound up on his back with the other guys pinning him down by his throat. It was a nice move, very effective and efficient. Cops arrived, we got our beer and weird cookies and took off. I know you are wondering, Gambrius Premium for Ted and Budweiser Budvar Svetly Leyak for me. This is not to be confused with Bud from back home. This is the original stuff from way back in the day....unfortuantely it doesn't taste a lot different from Bud in the States. Oh well. We saw some other churches and cool stuff and headed back.

We got back to the city and to celebrate the 4th we had bacon cheese burgers and a eurohotdog. We headed to the square to watch the game after food. It was a German heart breaker in the 118th minute. And then again in the 119th. What ever. After the game we hit up some absinth (sans wormwood we think, 140 proof nevertheless). Finished up stuff at the hostel with a couple of beers. Nothing new, just trying some that the other guy had. Got to bed around 1 or 2 and were up at 4:30 to catch our plane. Booyah. Fun times in Munich to be had.


PS - Ted is a sissy

Quote(s) of the day:
T: I consider beer a food.
L: Of course, it is one of the major food groups.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Day 8-9: There's Mutha F*ckin' Snakes in the Mutha F*ckin' Museum

So, we got into Prague (Praha) around 10AM yesterday morning. Les was basically having a terrible time at this whole life thing we had going. I have never seen someone blow there nose that much in my entire life (I'm talking like 100's of joke. I'm pretty sure he's keeping kleenex or whatever their czech counterpart is in business).

I'm pretty sure he caught herpes...stupid dirty prostitutes in amsterdam. I guess that's what he gets for putting so many through college. But seriously, herpes of the nose? How the hell did that happen? Well...I guess it could have been the plague or something as well. Either way, he was looking/feeling/acting/being like shit :-D We tried to take it kind of easy, so he wouldn't get any more sick.

Unfortunately even after a rather long transit from the airport, we still got to the hostel like two hours early. So we only could drop off our bags and go wander around till 2. We first began our search for some sort of medicine for my now extremely sickly companion, and we came to realize that there are no places to get medicine on the weekend. If you get sick in prague, you better damn make sure its during the week otherwise you are really screwed. We ended up going to this ghetto (the norm in this local apparently) department store and grabbing lunch. Lunch wasn't bad or good, but Les was in serious need of some food in his stomach so it was good for him.

Then we wandered around and happened into the touristy square here. There is a cool clock and a sex machine museum (I chuckled when I saw this). It was getting about 2, so we headed back. We got all checked in and took a nap. Les was doing his best to die...but he couldn't even do that right. LAME!!! We finally met some cool people in the hostel because our roommate was kind enough to share some of her medicine with Les, which was greatly appreciated.

We headed down to the hostel common room to watch the England vs. Portugal game. Nothing know the outcome or can read about it (other than the fact england was sucking more than Les's immune system). After the game, we headed out with some kids from the hostel to grab some dinner. Again nothing too terribly special, but the beer was uber cheap. Les got some goulasch as did I. The stuff I had in Germany was better, but here they have potato pancakes and funky dumplings (just clumps of bread stuck together).
Beer Report:
Bernard Pivo (10%) - Les 1, Ted 1
Bernard Pivo (17%) - Ted 1

We came back and watched the Brazil/France game and then headed to bed.

The next morning we woke up and got ready by 11 or so. First thing we did was head to the nearest pastry shop for some czech delicious treats...apparently they don't believe in delicious here because mine sucked. Les's was a standard cinnamon bun, so it was a safe bet and he had better results. Also before I left the states, I printed the locations of all of the Cisco offices in all of the cities we were staying in. I looked up the one in prague and its like 1/5 of a mile away from our hostel, so we decided to go this morning and get ourselves some free beverages. After flashin' the badge at the front desk, we were in. I scanned my badge and we got into the office no problem. We got some drinks and a took some letterhead with the Czech address to take back to the office.

After enjoying the spoils of our adventure, we started our walking tour south. We started near the northwestern part of the central prague area, and we walked down the river here. This city is beautiful. Everywhere you turn there is another awesome building to take pictures of. We walked down to the Charles bridge (the main pedestrian/tourist bridge here) and headed to Wenceslas sqaure for lunch. We failed at this terribly and ended up going to the grocery store (and Les pointed out that it is apparently against the law for these to be located above ground or with easily accessible entrances) so we wandered around looking for that stupid place. Lunch supplies in hand, we went by the national museum and ate. After food, we went into the museum, which was completely awesome. They had a huge exhibit of minerals and gemstones. A section of prehistorical crap. This really, really awesome traveling exhibit on asian silk, which had some amazing silk embroidered painting looking things. The detail was crazy. Upstairs they had a bunch of fossils and stuffed animals. They had a skeleton of this huge fin whale that was just crazy. They had every animal we could think of including all of freak animals that no one ever talks about. There was also a bunch of human remains showing different diseases, which was somewhat creepy. I was trying to guess which one Les had based off of the deformed skulls and stuff. I tried to cut off his skin to look at his skull so I could compare, but he was being a really big sissy and just wouldn't let me look.

This was a really awesome place, and I recommend you swing by if you're in the area. But I guess you aren't because you're reading this blog instead...burn. Booyah.

After the museum, we wandered down south to more prague sites. A cool church in the remains of an old castle. Some other random building and statues here and there. Just awesome all around.

Then we grabbed some dinner (food wasn't that great but the beer was good and CHEAP).
- Staropramen 10% - Ted 1
- Staropramen 12% - Les 1
- Staropramen Granat Polotmave Pivo - Ted 1

Then we headed home and just chatted with our hostel mates. That about sums up our first two days in prague (granted our summary abilities seem to be getting worse and worse with each post...but if you wanna keep complaining then stop reading our blog you big winny wanna fight about it...hold me back Les).


Notes about Prague:
- Beer is stupid cheap, 25 czech dollars which is like 1 dollar for 0.5 liters.
- Women seem to dress like strippers (not particulary attractive ones), and men like douches. I don't seem to understand.

Quote(s) of the Day:
T (discussing Les's disease): Hey Les, have you had your measles shot?
L: You mean my MMR? Yeah, I had it and I got even more shots before I went to Ecquador like yellow fever and typhoid.
T: I don't even know what yellow fever is. Is it like when you get the hots for asian women?
L: Yeah, similar to the better known jungle fever.

L: That is a sweet crystalline structure right there (insert glare from me)...yeah I said it.