Thursday, June 29, 2006

Day 6 - Life (860712 points), Les (-12 points), Ted (3 points)

To recap our first day in berlin. We saw the following sites
- Reichstag
- Brandenburg Gate
- Holocaust Memorial
- Some cool university with a bunch of bears painted for different countries
- U.S Embassy/Fortress (ironically the Romania embassy right across the street did not require the 30 armed german guards and road blocks -- go figure)
- German History Musuem (from the outside...the more interesting perspective in our opinion)
- Bunch of Churches
- A cool e=mc^2 sign
- Egyptian Musuem
- Berliner Dome
- Pergamon Musuem
- Rathaus
- Checkpoint Charlie
- Stretch of the Berlin Wall
- Topograhy of Terror

Now to the good stuff.
Sausages!!! Beer!!!
Les was a champion and had 3 (2 bratwursts and 1 currywurst -- without the sauce...because he's a nancy)
I failed with just 2 (1 bratwurst and 1 currywurst -- with sauce -- booyah for me)
As for the Beer, Les was the champion again with a score of 5 to 4. But I would like to point out that one of his was a fruity red beer, which I personally think should be minus 8 points...but the international beer counting commision seems to disagree. Bastards. In Les's defense, he is a sissy (oh yeah, and he had no idea what he was ordering).

- Prater Schwarzbier
- Hefeweissbier (Weihenstephaner) x 3
- Berliner Weisse (Red) - Nancy beer
- Prater Schwarzbier
- Prater Pils
- Kristallweissbier (Weihenstephaner) x 2

Then we had an amusing u-bahn ride home where we chatted with a girl interning from the states. Of course, we quickly disregarded all of her suggestions because she wasn't aware that we were too awesome to need them.

This morning we woke up around 9. It was another lovely day in berlin. We wandered around looking for breakfast but didn't really find anything that tickled our fancy. So, we headed to the Jewish musuem here. I was bored out of my damn mind...but it was good information and the building was really cool. Les appreciated the older historical stuff, but it was lost on me and we had to the 'Larry' the hell out of that place.

We then went to go get some german jerseys for tomorrows game, which is where Les began his failure at life. So we were trying shirts on, and two girls came up and beat the living hell out of Les and stole his sunglasses. Did I mention that they were 12 years old and had no arms or legs? Yeah, they bit him in the shins and stole his stuff. Actually, he just took them off to try them on and we went to buy the stuff, and they were gone upon our return.


Then we headed to some cool palace place (Charlottenburg Palace) to take some pictures. It was nice and all. Then we headed back and Les grabbed some pictures of a bombed out church. We returned to inquire about the sunglasses again, but no dice.

Now we are gonna head to a beer hall and enjoy the evening as best we can.


Quote(s) of the Day:
L: Man, she runs weird.
T: Yeah, that style of running is called having a stick up your ass.
L: I tend to be critical of people's running form
T: Yeah, that's because you are a runner. It's like me being critical of everyone for everything. I'm just that awesome.


Blogger kelly said...

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12:13 PM  
Blogger kelly said...

hey ted, gimme your mailing address in cali. i'm gonna mail you something.

12:15 PM  

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